
Kasakeep Privacy Policy

This page contains information about Kasakeep’s collection and use of user data.

Personalized Ads

Kasakeep displays ads using Google Admob and Google Mobile Ads SDK. The services used by Kasakeep can obtain information about you, such as the websites you visit, by using technologies such as cookies and use this information to show you special advertisements. Personalized ad settings associated with your Google account can be viewed and edited at Your personal data is encrypted while in transit.

Data Backup

Kasakeep has a Google account backup feature. This feature backs up your data to your Google Drive account. This data is encrypted in transit but is stored as plaintext in your Google Drive account. If you choose to upload your data to Google Drive, your Kasakeep data will be subject to Google’s privacy policy.

Google Firebase

Kasakeep uses Firebase for its Google account login feature. When you want to back up to your Google account, the email address of the Google account you are logged in to is collected. Your information will be subject to the Firebase privacy policy.


Kasakeep uses Google Play and Apple’s in-app purchase functions for the full version. Your payment information is processed by these services and your information is subject to the privacy policies of these services.